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Catch & Cook allows charter fishing clients who catch fish from Michigan’s Great Lakes an opportunity to take their fresh catch to a participating Michigan restaurant to cook and serve those fish to those clients.

Participating Charter Captains 

  • Ensure that they are equipped with an adequate supply of ice, produced from potable water.
  • Ensure the rapid chilling of fish to at least 41° F, using ice or an equivalent method..
    • It is recommended that Charter Boat Captains successfully complete a food handler’s class.

    Participating Restaurants

    • The operator must comply with applicable laws and regulations.
    • Must have sufficient facilities to properly process, maintain custody and serve the cooked fish to participants of the program.
    • The restaurant must have a sufficient method to assure they are providing the customer with their own caught fish.
    • It is the responsibility of the restaurant that any remaining fish connected to this program is either returned to the client or discarded.


    • Ensure the rapid chilling of fish to at least 41° F, using ice or an equivalent method.
    • Ensure that upon receiving, the fish appears sound, wholesome and not subjected to temperature abuse.
    • The restaurant has the right to refuse fish suspected of being unwholesome or out of temperature.


    • Food and non-food contact surfaces shall be properly designed, constructed and maintained.


    • Facilities shall be adequate to properly process, prepare, cook and serve the fish.
    • Facilities shall be adequate to prevent possible contamination to other food


    • The restaurant must have adequate space to process fish.
    • And, prevent cross-contamination and maintain product identity and custody.

    Benefits of Participating in Cook & Catch

    Charter Fishing Operators



    New Charter Clients

    New Dining Customers

    New Dining Experience

    Repeat Charter Clients

    Repeat Dining Customers

    Fun of Catching Your Own Lunch/Dinner

    Recognized Relationships with Dockside/Community

    Recognized Relationships with Charter
    Boat Captains/Crews

    No Worries Over What to Do with Your

    Play a role in shaping a community’s
    local food identity

    Play a role in shaping a community’s
    local food identity

    Local Food Source with Minimal Food “Footprint”

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