Sort By: Business Name Dock or Restaurant Address, City, State, Zip Business Description (a few words to describe your business) Address
Dock or Restaurant Address, City, State, Zip 6240 State Road, Lakeport, MI 48059
Captain Patrick Janks
Business Description (a few words to describe your business) Fishing charters Lake Huron, St. Clair river and Saginaw bay
Business Phone 810-990-5356
Address 6240 State rd
EX: Lake Michigan, Grand Haven, Fishing, Restaurant (comma between tags)
Dock or Restaurant Address, City, State, Zip dock O30 Linwood Beach Marina, 135 South Linwood Beach Rd, Linwood ,Mi 48634
JASON GRAHAM / Village Inn
Business Description (a few words to describe your business) full time charter service on Saginaw Bay and Lake Michigan
Business Phone 19894295372
Address 480 DONNET CT
EX: Lake Michigan, Grand Haven, Fishing, Restaurant (comma between tags)
Dock or Restaurant Address, City, State, Zip Fishtown Dock, Leland Harbor - 195 W River St, Leland, MI 49654
FishBilly Charters and The Cove Restaurant
Business Description (a few words to describe your business) We offer charter fishing trips for King Salmon, Steelhead & Trophy Lake Trout for groups up to 6 anglers
Hours of Operation / Call for Reservations We run fishing trips April through September 7 days a week. We take reservations all year. Call to book your trip today.
Business Phone 208-966-7984
Address 111 W River St, Leland, MI 49654
EX: Lake Michigan, Grand Haven, Fishing, Restaurant (comma between tags)
Dock or Restaurant Address, City, State, Zip Spectators
Hunter and Holly Engel / Spectators Restaurant
Business Description (a few words to describe your business) Fishing on Lake Michigan for Salmon and Trout
Hours of Operation / Call for Reservations Call 616-218-4718
Business Phone 616-218-4718
Address 650 Water Street, Saugatuck MI 49453
EX: Lake Michigan, Grand Haven, Fishing, Restaurant (comma between tags)
Dock or Restaurant Address, City, State, Zip 7146 P Road Gladstone, MI 49837
Freshwater Tavern
Business Description (a few words to describe your business) Furious Fishing Charters fishes Lake Michigan for walleye and salmon on our 27 foot Sailfish boat. Captain Reid has over 25 years experience operating vessels on the Great Lakes. Your fish will be bled, iced, and cleaned for the chefs at the Freshwater Tavern to prepare for you!
Business Phone 906-241-7422
EX: Lake Michigan, Grand Haven, Fishing, Restaurant (comma between tags)
Dock or Restaurant Address, City, State, Zip North Shore Marina in Spring Lake, MI 49456 & Yacht Basin Marina, Holland, MI 49424
Scott Plummer @ Wasabi Charters, Allen Neumann at ChopShop and Lolos at Yacht Basin Marina, Kirby and Paisley Pig in Grand Haven
Business Description (a few words to describe your business) Salmon and trout charter fishing from Grand Haven, Spring Lake, and Holland, MI
Hours of Operation / Call for Reservations 24/7 @ 616-717-1400
Business Phone 616-717-1400
Address North Shore Marina
Slip 87
18275 Berwyck Street
Spring Lake, MI 49456
Yacht Basin Marina
Slip A17
1866 Ottawa Beach Road
Holland, MI 49424
EX: Lake Michigan, Grand Haven, Fishing, Restaurant (comma between tags)